viagra prices Just like TV, the world keeps spinning new stories. As does our lives. Within us lies a vast treasure house of ideas that storm the surface and recede, not unlike the hurricanes and “extreme climate events” appearing in our newsfeed each day. It seems there is no aspect of our world that […]
For years I was concerned with how competent and perfect I presented myself as, regardless of who I was with and irrespective of occasion. It mattered most to me that I be perceived as having all the answers, being totally together, and not being seen as partially baked as in truth I am. This morning while meditating I […]
The beautiful road bends and opens in the morning light, curving with the water and fading into trees. Egrets and herons fish lazily in the lagoon unfazed by oncoming traffic. Rocks remind me of where I once lived and where I now reside: nel cuore mio. Without reservation and with a boldness of becoming who I […]
What we find is often not what we expect and this is in itself the rub. When we set out on any adventure, we have no guarantees we are heading into anything other than the future, a future playing out on a landscape both foreign and strange, different. If, as the sign suggests, we are exactly where we need […]
It’s always a pleasure to find oneself challenged isn’t it? (not exactly how you thought I’d open the first post I’ve scribed in a really long time is it?) But here’s the thing, I mean it. Exactly as I wrote it. It’s a late spring evening and I’m sitting outdoors near Green Library on the Stanford campus, about […]
Would it not for the shadows, light would have no where to play,Illumination, no where to strut its wonder.Neither shadow nor light alone reveals the wholeness inherent in both together.Tenderly then, welcome the churning waves of possibility as they dance between form and idea, idea and form.Everything gleams in the surface of our acceptance of […]
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SOLSTICE The sun, ever the opportunist, climbs toward its apogee, unopposed. The noon sky brightens. Shadows shorten. Will gives in. Miracles mix with the mundane. Things shift. A young child caught in midair giggles. Daughters of The Evolution dance. Sons of Faith swoon. Dark burdens are lifted. Unraveling stories reconstruct better endings. Wisdom appears as […]
It’s relentless, this march of time. As quickly as 2013 came and went, 2014 came more quickly and seems to be moving even faster, this month careening into the next without even a breath. Or is it just me? As bendable as time seems, and most likely is, the velocity of movement is striking even […]
December 19, 2013 Winter Solstice On this, the longest night of the year, I think of the long road each of us travels in our time on this earth, none of us guaranteed the advent of tomorrow, each of us prescribed pains and sorrows as if Life itself were a Great Doctor and our […]