This year, Thanksgiving, the holiday, seems to be meandering its way into the world more slowly than any November on record. It seems I awaken everyday thinking to myself that this is Thanksgiving week. It has become so prevalent – this feeling that it is Thanksgiving – that I’ve decided it really is Thanksgiving, regardless of the calendar date. Now I’m […]
What an amazing beginning to a really terrific month…with ornamental plum and pear and all manner of blossoming trees revealing their hidden colors, everything awakening from a deep slumber and a welcoming presence of light and heat and wonder at how easily and effortlessly things change. We become so weary sometimes of the same old […]
This short month of February sure has packed a wallop! I am now in the midst of a new life that truly has broken open my old barriers and allows me the freedom to unapologetically enjoy myself and everything in it! Last week, I finished teaching a 6-week course in Breaking Free that affected me […]
The compassion of trees looks upon our humanity while Wisdom, weeping from willows, patiently awaits our footfall upon its roots. Vision looms in an open sky. Wings beat with wild endurance. Humorless clouds fill with laughing gas and giggle. Joy abounds. Inside a molehill, an idea of light reaches one who is […]
Sitting in the minister’s office in Claremont on an Easter afternoon, gazing westward toward tomorrow on a gorgeous spring day today, I recall the last Easter I spent in Southern California. It was 2003. I was yet to begin ministerial school, I was studying at Agape, and in the early bloom of a 6 […]
Gratitude can be a buzzword these days and yet it remains for me both a touchstone and a roadmap. So much has changed since I set foot upon this path. I’d like to say that my gratitude has been as constant as the changes that have come with it, and yet (sigh!) I can not. […]
My what a journey this has been to get this website up and live! Months have past since first we began working on it and my life (as I’m sure yours has) has changed and my intentions for the website with it. Hence this long delay…and yet, the road is perfect as it is, rocks […]