Ross Foti

The Equinox Cometh


Time decodes the meaning of yesterday while

Entangled tenses loosen their knots.

Quarks and leptons, leaping about, create

Unexplored pathways whose invitation to make real

Ideas contemplate, hesitate, then take. With

No matter before it, no enemy to its fruition,

Obviously, resistance falters and fades as an

Xray would, like film – in an acetone bath.

Cheers then for the courage of Idea and the heart’s hard charging into flight.

Once, like Icarus, I was burned by the sun.

Memories kept me hidden from even myself.

Eventually, I came to know me as others do –

The new cusping over the old and

Handing to me a mirror to see how much I’ve changed.


Written on a pleasant Friday afternoon while thinking about Autumn, the past, the future, my life and realizing how profoundly different I am now in my willingness to more deeply understand who I am and what I am to do here.

© Ross Foti

Claremont, California

September 19, 2014



39 Responses to “The Equinox Cometh”

Diana RomeroSeptember 19th, 2014 at 5:48 pm

Thank you for posting this. It speaks the truth of me. I am not so different . You share from the depths of soul, sprit and heart..

Di Moon.

M bullardSeptember 20th, 2014 at 11:51 am

Quarks andl leptons: have not heard these these words since higher Chem. and Physics days. Your gifts of weaving even Quantum source In to meaningful expressions in conversation, speaks volumns of your depth of being…
We can find life/living fascinating at every turn when we discover it’s often hidden truths found within us, as indeed you have spoken well of.

JessieSeptember 23rd, 2014 at 4:41 am

Ah, that change. However subtle or otherwise, waiting for us to catch that glimpse and appreciate the journey even moreso. Beautiful, RR.

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