The compassion of trees looks upon our humanity while
Wisdom, weeping from willows,
patiently awaits our footfall upon its roots.
Vision looms in an open sky.
Wings beat with wild endurance.
Humorless clouds fill with laughing gas and giggle.
Joy abounds.
Inside a molehill, an idea of light reaches one who is called to see.
Holy foolishness is everywhere!
Weathered and wrinkled, spirits soar, trailing epigrams –
hidden meanings lodged inside forgiveness.
The one called to see answers the light with no reason other than hope.
Still, gratitude sits.
Still, watchful, and awake to the slightest curve,
the dimmest clue solves its riddle.
Ecstasy abandons itself of meaning, moaning the morning into day.
Reverie passes out drunk, eyes afire, legs weak,
burning to give yet another day,
stopless and forever, holy.
The fabric of earth itself cracks open, new land born amid turbulent waves.
Oceans, grown beyond the edges of their shores, rise to new rivers.
Estuaries become sanctuaries.
Whales are calved.
Surfaces rip with fearless bliss unconcerned with nothing other than this.
Humbled, the eye of the eternal winks at the naivete of a world that’s got it right.
Written by Reverend Ross in Ganesha Hills on Friday evening, April 20, 2012 after a day of reflection and walking and spending time without earbuds, listening to God. Fusion arrives this weekend at The Center. May it be so that it delights that which is creating it. Namaste.
4 Responses to “Grace”
Jessie • April 21st, 2012 at 8:32 am
What a way to recognize the way we are touched by grace. Those moments that are clear to us when we watch for them that dance across our vision every second of every day, if only we allow ourselves to see. Thank you for sharing!
Kathy • April 21st, 2012 at 2:29 pm
Thanks you for sharing your day of Total Grace-filled connection with the Divine. I confess I must return to some lines to fully feel them…..they evoke such deepth. And how I love your honoring again of naivete!! Naivete seems a part of Humility to me…what a wonderful piece to read early in the morning. You are a gift. Namaste
Emily • April 28th, 2012 at 11:38 pm
The Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you. I’m blessed to have been reminded of the beauty, life, love, and meaning all around us, as I am blessed by being a part of Fusion last Sunday.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece of written art!
Diana Romero • November 22nd, 2013 at 8:32 pm
Thank you.