The compassion of trees looks upon our humanity while Wisdom, weeping from willows, patiently awaits our footfall upon its roots. Vision looms in an open sky. Wings beat with wild endurance. Humorless clouds fill with laughing gas and giggle. Joy abounds. Inside a molehill, an idea of light reaches one who is […]
Sitting in the minister’s office in Claremont on an Easter afternoon, gazing westward toward tomorrow on a gorgeous spring day today, I recall the last Easter I spent in Southern California. It was 2003. I was yet to begin ministerial school, I was studying at Agape, and in the early bloom of a 6 […]
My what a journey this has been to get this website up and live! Months have past since first we began working on it and my life (as I’m sure yours has) has changed and my intentions for the website with it. Hence this long delay…and yet, the road is perfect as it is, rocks […]
The sun set bigger than I’d ever seen it set before, as if its light were magnified and its hydrogen more incensed. Happiness and passion flame the same fire, as does gratitude as today, we collectively acknowledge our blessings. Although there is much to be aware of these days, there’s an equal measure of what […]
This morning as I walked on the ranch, I noticed a few things. A blue heron and a hawk were hunting. Solitary in their pursuit, to the casual observer each was invisible. The heron could have been a tall stalk of coastal vegetation, the hawk perhaps a burl on a tree limb. I stood for […]
I was in San Francisco again the past couple of days, after not being there for about 20 years and my, how different I felt. I do not know if it was the City that’s changed or me. Probably both of us. It is sobering to recognize the passage of time and find oneself no […]